Business Selection Criteria
Agribusiness will be selected based on the following critera:
- Sector: Agrifood businesses with a clear link to smallholder farmers. This could include, but is not limited to, companies involved in the provision of inputs,
primary production, enabling (e.g., agriculture logistics, aggregation platforms, irrigation, cold storage, financial services), value addition, digital platforms, market access, nutrition, post-harvest management, renewable energy etc.
- Country: The enterprise must be directly active within the African continent or be planning to expand into the region in the next 12-18 months.
- Stage of business: Post-revenue/proof of concept with a product in the market and an existing customer base. The enterprise must have plans to scale operations in the next 12-24 months.
Enterprises must have a clear business model and must also be looking for financing (e.g., debt, equity financing, etc.)
- Ticket size:
- Investment under 100,000 USD
- 100,000 USD to 500,000 USD,
- 500,000 USD to 1 million USD
- Above 1 million USD
- Financial instruments such as loan, grant, equity, guarantee, reimbursable grant.
- Innovation in agri-food systems: The proposal should demonstrate innovation, impact, and scalability it can brings to address low production, digital gap, environment and climate challenges, nutrition challenges.
Application Requirements
If you meet the above criteria, please click here to fill the template to submit your profile. Given the limited number of slots available, applications will be on a first-come, first-served basis and only SMEs
that submit fully completed profiles will be considered for participation.