Value Proposition to our partners

Africa Food Systems Forum has unrivaled power to convene top leaders, thinkers, and implementers in African agriculture across private, public, development, and non-profit partners, and academic and research sectors.
Stakeholders, whether public or private, appreciate the high-level, diverse group of delegates they are exposed to at the Forum with each one of them deriving specific benefits from AGRFs’ six objectives.

Public Sector

Policymakers and technical staff from government.

Policymakers and technical staff from government find opportunities to learn what works and what does not work from best practices and knowledge across the continent and the globe. They can feature their priorities, showcase their progress, and hold bilateral meetings with a range of stakeholders to build momentum for their agenda and unlock new investments, programs, and partnerships.
Companies and entrepreneurs of all sizes advance business priorities through engagements with other businesses, investors, government, and implementing actors. They can understand latest progress and issues in the continental agenda, feature their thought leadership and programs, and elevate policy priorities essential for an enabling business environment. They also hold bilateral meetings with a range of stakeholders to broker deals, advance partnerships, and unlock new investments.

Private Sector

Companies and entrepreneurs of all sizes.

Implementing Organizations and Civil Society Institutions

Implementing Organizations and Civil Society Institutions working across systems

Implementing Organizations and Civil Society Institutions working across systems find a platform to feature their work and ideas and scale their efforts with public and private sector. They can connect with stakeholders in government, private sector, and development partners to advance their programmatic missions and agendas with policy reforms, partnerships, and new public and private investments.
Individuals working on farms or representing farmers organizations find opportunities to promote what works from their practical experience, as well as learn about innovations, technologies, practices, and ideas that can support their livelihoods and businesses. They are able to inform agendas, priorities, and actions of policymakers, private companies, implementing organizations, development partners, and researchers and thought leaders to strengthen agricultural systems.


Individuals working on farms or representing farmers organizations

Research & Academia

Thought leaders and scientists

Thought leaders and scientists find the forum as a unique platform to share and acquire ideas and evidence, bridge them into practice, and then see reports back on progress and lessons. They can influence agendas and priorities at country, regional, and continental level with data and evidence, which can be amplified well beyond the forum through AGRF communications channels. They are also able to connect with key funders and partners, often essential for the impact and sustainability of their work.
Strategic funding partners of Africa’s agricultural transformation agenda from across the continent and globe advance their missions through engagements with a wide variety of existing and new stakeholders. They can understand latest progress, challenges, and ideas in the continental agenda, feature their thought leadership and programs, and elevate policy priorities essential for an enabling business environment through the Forum’s overall communications channels for significant amplification and visibility. They also hold bilateral meetings to advance policy and program priorities, broker and strengthen partnerships, and unlock new investments.

Development Partners

Strategic funding partners of Africa’s agricultural transformation