May 31, 2024 | Announcement, Featured

The Africa Food Systems Forum (AFS Forum) and Veteran Clubs World Championship (VCWC) Forge Strategic Partnership to Champion for Food Systems and Sport Development in Africa

The collaboration between VCWC and AFS Forum will leverage sports icons to drive policy advocacy and sustainably fortify Africa’s food systems.

Kigali, Rwanda – May 31, 2024 – The Africa Food Systems Forum (AFS Forum) and  Veteran Clubs World Championship (VCWC) have joined forces in a strategic partnership with the goal of harnessing the combined influence of sports and agri-food business to accelerate sustainable transformation of Africa’s food systems. The partnership, formalized through an agreement signed by both parties, seeks to harness the influence and audience of sports legends to champion impactful innovative  communication,    public  policies  on  sport  and  food  systems  nexus, investment  and  resource  mobilization  and  fostering  partnerships  aimed  at strengthening the sustainability of the African food system. As influential stakeholders  with  global  platforms,  the  AFS  Forum  and  VCWC acknowledged  the  intricate  relationship  between  food  systems  and  sports  in shaping Africa’s trajectory, with a particular emphasis on the vital role of youth engagement for  productive , healthier, nutritious, inclusive and  resilient food systems in the continent.

Speaking on behalf of the AFS Forum partners, Dr. Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA, highlighted the influence of sports legends, underscoring the profound influence of sports on Africa’s rural youth as well as the opportunities that food systems present for the young people . She stated, “African food systems are projected to become a trillion-dollar industry in the coming years driven by rapid  urbanisation across the continent. Connecting African youth to food systems given their agility and innovative  potential  will  be  hugely  transformative.  AGRA  and  the  AFS  Forum Partners  are  committed  to  harnessing  the  transformative  power  of  sports  by engaging  and  linking  rural  youth  to  these  opportunities.  This partnership stands as a win-win for sports, food systems, and health.” Dr. Kalibata expressed  her  desire  to  see  the  collaboration  amplifying  the  pace  of policy advancements  and  innovations  on  food  and  sport  nexus.  Additionally,  she emphasized leveraging the vast potential of sport legends to inspire, empower and elevate    African  youth  as  pivotal  drivers  in  transforming  the  continent’s  food systems.

Fred Siewe, President of the International Federation of Veteran Football (FIFVE) and Chairman of VCWC, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “The VCWC is committed to harnessing the influence and audience of sports legends to contribute to sustainable development. By partnering with the AFS Forum, we can leverage both platform to advocate for positive change and empower youth and women across Africa.” He said Amath  Pathe  Sene,  Managing  Director  of  the  AFS  Forum,  supported  the complementarity of the two events scheduled for the same week in September.

He highlighted the interconnectedness of sports and nutrition, noting that sustained excellence  in  sports  often  requires  access  to  nutritious  and  healthier  food. “becoming a legend in sport requires top-level performance over many years. This cannot be achieved without nutritious and healthy food,” he said. Sene emphasized the value of partnering with VCWC to promote the values of sports while also exploring  opportunities  within  the  sports  business  sector.  “Sport  and  food  are interlinked, this partnership with VCWC will not only promote the values of sport but also showcase the opportunities through the business of sport,” he added.

The AFS Forum  and VCWC will coincide between Sep 1 to 10 Sep 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda, presenting a unique opportunity for synergistic action towards advancing global development goals. The partnership will  harness the collective  expertise, networks and platforms to facilitate investments in sustainable projects that will advance the livelihoods of small holder farmers and the food systems community.

About AFS Forum

The Africa Food Systems Forum (AFS Forum) is the world’s premier forum for African agriculture and food systems, bringing together stakeholders to take practical action and share lessons that will move African food systems forward. The Africa Forum is made up of a coalition of 28 institutions in African food systems all focused on putting farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economies.

About AGRA

AGRA  is  a  proudly  African-led  institution  focused  on  scaling  agricultural innovations  that  help  smallholder  farmers  towards  increased  incomes,  better livelihoods, and improved food security. AGRA’s mission is to transform the lives of smallholder farmers from that of a solitary struggle for survival to a business that thrives.

About VCWC

VCWC  is  a  platform  for  sports  veterans  from  around  the  world  to  Connect, Collaborate, and Contribute to Sustainable development.

For media inquiries, please contact:

AFS  Forum  Press  Office:  Catherine  Ndungu,  Snr  Communications  Officer

VCWC Press Office:

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