Jul 27, 2022 | Blog

Grow, Nourish, Reward – Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems: AGRF 2022 theme explained

This is our time. Our time to connect, unite, seek catalytic solutions and take bold action, to build on commitments, and to tackle food insecurity.

For the AGRF 2022 Summit and beyond, we connect, unite, and act under the theme of Grow. Nourish. Reward. Bold actions for resilient food systems. What does this mean? It means that in order to translate the AGRF 2021 Summit commitments into actionable strategies and true progress for Africa’s agricultural and food systems, we must:


…grow the coordinated and large-scale action by stakeholders across multiple sectors, by mobilizing private and public investments to strengthen small and medium-sized businesses, youth entrepreneurship, and access to markets for smallholder farmers.

Trade and competitiveness are critical stimuli for continental economic recovery and growth. The implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in 2021, was an important milestone for African regional and international trade covering a market of more than 1.2 billion people and up to $3 trillion in combined GDP.  

AGRF 2022 is our time to build on this milestone on the journey to zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and the many other relevant and interconnected UN Sustainable Development Goals.


…nourish innovations and cultivate country solutions across a continent that in 2020 was home to one in five people facing hunger – more than double the proportion of hungry people in any other region. In fact, the continent remains a net food importer at an annual cost of $43 billion.

The current African food systems are failing to deliver healthy diets to all and are one of the greatest challenges for climate and environmental sustainability.

Healthy diets demand a systems approach that acknowledges the central role and responsibility of food systems across the world, working together across other key systems to provide better diets for all, while also sustaining the planet for future generations.

To nourish Africa’s people, we must find the right formula to deliver nutritious food in an affordable and environmentally sustainable way.


…reward and recognize champions across the agricultural ecosystem and food system, by ensuring that they have a supportive environment, and celebrate country pathways, innovations, and initiatives that are actionable and scalable in delivering food systems transformation.

With more than half of the 375 million young people entering the African job market in the next 15 years set to be living in rural areas, the AGRF 2022 Summit will provide a laser focus on climate-smart jobs in the rural economy. Without this focus, youth will increasingly migrate to urban areas, increasing pressure to import food. It is imperative that we reward young people who choose a career in agriculture and who are part of the positive and sustainable transformation of Africa’s food systems.

How can you play your part in Africa’s food systems transformation?

From land to leadership, AGRF 2022 calls upon leaders from the private sector, national and local governments, youth, and other organizations to put forward bold actions that can play a key role in transforming how Africa produces and consumes food.

We look forward to welcoming you to the AGRF 2022 Summit, where we will build on the Common African Position for food systems and more than 30 national pathways for food systems transformation that exist across the continent. We will also be showcasing leadership from African countries that is taking these pathways to the next level.

Join us to get one step closer to food security for all by registering to attend the AGRF 2022 Summit, hosted in Kigali, Rwanda from 5th to 9th September, 2022: https://bit.ly/3azW8UP.

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